Very Last Operational Landing in History @ KLM B747
Chief Pilot Paul vd Ven was honoured to operate the last operational 747 flight.
It would be the very very last 747 flight in KLM history during the flightoperations of KLM.
In view of the 90% decline in flights and anticipated future capacity, KLM previously decided in early March that it would phase out its remaining Boeing 747s in April 2020,
instead of in the summer of 2021.
With pain in all hearts of 747 pilots and 747 lovers we had to experience this unwished but true event.
KL686 , Mexico City to Amsterdm,callsign KLM72-Yankee ,operated with the PH-BFT ,
overhead Tower SPL, RWY 36Center for landing and final stand Echo 19………
But…………………there came an unexpected surprise…………………………..
The loss of around 90% of flights between Europe and Asia has resulted in a major shortage of cargo capacity. Meanwhile, the corona crisis has prompted an enormous need for the rapid
transportation of medical equipment and other supplies between the United States, Europe and China.
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines has now joined hands with Royal Philips and the Dutch government to create a special cargo air bridge between the Netherlands and China.
In addition to these parties, many others are seeking additional capacity. The air bridge to Asia will be launched on 13 April.
To maintain this vital cargo air bridge for the coming six to eight weeks, KLM will specially redeploy Boeing 747 Combi equipment for the service between the Netherlands and China.
This air bridge will ensure continuous availability of special cargo capacity, with two weekly flights to Beijing and three weekly flights to Shanghai.
This will ensure around 250 tonnes of extra cargo capacity each way per week.
The flights will supplement the current “skeleton schedule” that took effect on 29 March, with two weekly flights to Beijing and two weekly flights to Shanghai, operated with Boeing 787s and 777s.
The KLM/Martinair Full Freighters will continue to be deployed on North Atlantic routes, which Philips will use as an air bridge between Amsterdam and distribution points in the United States.
The Full Freighters will also continue to operate on South Atlantic routes and to destinations in Africa.
First the PH-BFT and PH-BFW were back on service and this week the PH-BFV is in service too.
We enjoy as long as it takes………………
Written by RalphValkenier in Last Flights - KLM B747, March 2020