Last flight of Captain Jacqueline Vollebregt @ KLM

Captain Jacqueline made her retirementflight at KLM. A retirement with a double taste………..leaving KLM by VVR and offering the younger pilots a opportunity to keep their job during the current circumstances. On her last flight whe was supported by ‘Wingmen’ Captain Bert Otten operating as First Officer and Second Officer Daan van der Heijden. Flight KL601 , RWY24 departure, and operated with the B777-300ER reg PH-BVS. Backflight KL602 got a RWY18R arrival and was operated with the ‘Orange Pride’ reg PH-BVA. Schiphol Airport Event manager Ron Onclin,with husband Rob van Ringelesteijn on board, guided her to final stand and gave […]
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Last flight of Senior Purser Anita Groenewold @ KLM

Anita Groenewold (Senior Purser ) – Farewell Flight This Royal Dutch KLM flight was (wo)manned with: . cockpit crew (Captain Arjen, First Officers Ben and Joep & Second Officer Gert) and . cabin crew (Senior Purser Pieter and his CA’s Hans, Anqelique, Noor, Ingvar, Anke, Duco, Jacqueline, Tim en Nick) Departure on Wednesday November 11, 2020 KL843 (AMS-BKK) – PH-BVN – B777-300ER: stand F4, push & pull abeam A16 and a RWY18L departure Arrival on Sunday November 15, 2020 KL844 (BKK-AMS) – PH-BVO – B777-300ER: an early arrival at RWY18R (“Polderbaan”)     Videostills……………..
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Last Flight of Captain A330 Alfred Vink @ KLM

Captain Alfred made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. His ‘Wingmen’ on this flight First Officer Jouke van der Meer and Second Officer Bart Knoppel. Flight KL771 with a RWY18L departure and operated with the A330-300 reg PH-AKA. Backflight ,same flightnumber,KL771 with a RWY18R arrival and was operated with the A330-200 reg PH-AOA. Flight KL771 with route AMS–BON-AUA-AMS. ( BON-Bonaire // AUA-Aruba )     Videostills………..
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Last Flight of Captain Charley Valette @ KLM

Captain Charley Valette.the wellknown Cpt MD11, made his last flight on a T7 due to an early retirement scheme at KLM. Flight KL129 heading to CUR , RWY24 for departure, and operated with the B777-300ER reg PH-BVN. Backflight KL736 to Amsterdam,RWY18R for landing and operated with the B777-300ER reg PH-BVP His final arrival was at stand Echo19. The team of KLM Apron Services with shiftleader Rein Middelbeek took care of unloading this aircraft. And our friend Andre Ran was present to photograph the docking at the gate,inside the airplane and at the arrival hall.   Extra edition with docking & […]
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Last Flight of Captain Wynand van der Schatte Olivier

Captain Wynand made his last flight at KLM due to retirement. After about 40 yrs of flying and almost 30 years on the ‘Mighty B747’ he went for a cargoflight to Shanghai.  Captain Wynand made his last flight at KLM due to retirement. After about 40yrs of flying and almost 30 years on the ‘Mighty B747’ he went for a cargoflight to Shanghai. Together with his ‘Wingmen’ , First Officers Martin Sievers and Eelke Bouma, and Second Officer Gerben Heijkoop. Cabincrew at this retirementflight and problaby their last 747 flight as well….. Senior Purser Esther Zee and Purser Suzanne van […]
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Last flight of Captain Wouter Kooman @ KLM

Captain Wouter Kooman made his last flight due to his retirment at KLM. Together with First Officer Wout Nijssen as his ‘Wingman’ they departed to Curacao. Flight KL735 , callsign KL129-Heavy, got a RWY24 departure and was operated with the B777-300ER with reg. PH-BVF. Awesome wingcondensation during climbout of SPL. His backflight KL736 was operated with the PH-BVO. A smooth crosswindlanding on RWY 18R and after 20.000 hours of duty ( flight hours ) Wouter turned off the engines for the very last time at stand Echo24     Videostills……….
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100 Years KLM flight & Last flight of Cpt B737 Rob Grotendorst

Captain Rob operated a very special flight. At first it was his retirementflight !!! At second it was 100 years ago KLM operated their very first flight. It was a flight to Londen Heathrow. And now it all came together at one flight ,  a ‘100 years retirementflight’ of Captain B737 Rob Grotendorst. Flight KL1007 , AMS-LHR,  with a RWY 24 departure. Backflight KL1008 with callsign KLM100 with a RYW 18R arrival. This flight got operated with his ‘Wingman’ and first officer Tim Elias and a B737-700 reg PH-BGT     Videostills………….    
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Last flight of Captain Peter de Laat @ KLM

Captain Peter operated his last- and retirementflight to BOG-Bogota. Actually he planned a beautiful retourflight to PTY-Panama with his family and chosen crew. Due to the current circumstances Peter got a cargoflight with a Dreamliner to Bogota. Flight KL739 with a RWY36L departure and backflight KL740 with a RWY 06 arrival. His wife and family waving along the runway and joining his last movements at Amsterdam Airport. On this flight he got assisted by his ‘Wingmen’ first officer Berend de Boer and second officer Reinier Bakker.     Videostills……………………….
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Last Flight & Goaround of Captain B747 Henk van den Brink @ KLM

Captain Henk van den Brink made his last 747 flight as retirementflight. With an enormous career as 747 pilot and Captain. Henk started as ‘Captain B747’ at July 1982 and made his last 747 flight after 37 years and 10 months. An amazing career and state of duty for KLM. Due to the current worldwide circumstances and KLM’s decided phasing out all 747’s at the end of March. This was a reason for him  to operate his retirementflight right now and on his beloved B747. Flight KL692 ,with callsign KL86, on final for RWY 06 and became a straight goaround […]
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Last 747 Flight on KLM72Y-KL686 // PH-BFV @ FO Martin Sievers // Cpt Fred Heijer

First Officer Martin Sievers made his last flight on his beloved 747………….intially…………but after this flight he got invited for another and his final 747 flight with destination YYZ- Toronto. This flight,KL686 with callsign KLM72-Yankee, was his last flight onthe 747 to MEX and back Amsterdam. Together with Captain Fred Heijer and Second Officer Yurrian Valkema on track for Amsterdam Airport. This flight got operated with the B747-Combi reg ‘PH-BFV’. Or like FO Peter Westerneng introduced on RT and ‘Bokito Call’ ……….the…………’Bokito-Fox-Valkenier’. Just in front of their final approach RWY06 they did send a mesage by ATC to thank all ‘KLM […]
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Last Flight of Captain Ruud van Mil @ KLM

Captain Ruud van Mil made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Togehter with his son Raoul van Mil as Second Officer and First Officer Koen Volkers heading to Capetown. Stand F3 with a pushback abeam Golf-Niner with real bad and wet weatherconditions. Flight KL597 with callsign KL103  opearatin a full wet departure on RWY 18L with lots of spray and wingcondensation. Backflight KL598 got a special callsign when entering the Dutch skies. Callsign ‘Hunter-104’. It became a beautiful crosswindlanding on RWY 18R. The airtrafficcontrolers gave TEN POINTS. Both flights got operated with the B777-300ER reg PH-BVD. The Skyteam […]
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Last Flight of Captain Erwin Gabel @ KLM

Captain Erwin Gabel,former Chief Pilot KLM MD11, made his last flight due to retirement with KLM. Assisted by Captain Bart de Vries acting as First Officer on this special flight. Flight KL597, callsign KL103, stand Echo24, got a re-clearance of rwy 09 to rwy 36C. This flight got operated with the B777-300ER ‘PH-BVS’. Backflight KL598 , callsign KL104,got operated with the PH-BVG.The approach got a special experience with landing on rwy 18R. Flight KL281,heading to SFO , got airborne on rwy 36L, turned left and thereafter Captain Erwin became final for rwy 18R,same runway. His last landing was a marvellous […]
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Last Flight of Captain Bartel Hamers @ KLM

Captain Bartel made his last flight due to retirement with KLM Together with First Officers Hans ‘t Hart,Halbe Drijfhout,Second Oficer Dingeman van der Steenstraten  and CA Eleonora Gomez, on flight KL807, heading to Manilla-Taipei. Runway 18Center with departure and B777-300 registered as PH-BVB. Backflight KL808 was operated with First Officer Halbe Drijfhout,Second Officers  Dennis Fleischmann, Roderick van Dodewaard and ofcourse with our sweet CA Eleonora. Bartel’s last landing was on runway 18R ‘Polderbaan’ with the B777-300ER reg PH-BVF   Youtube Videolink <<<>>> Last Flight of Captain Bartel Hamers Videostills……………..
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Last Flight of Captain Bas G. @ KLM

Captain Bas made his last flight due to retirement by KLM. Flight KL749 heading to Bogota-Cartagena. BOG-CTG, with a departure on runway 18 Center ‘Zwanenburgbaan. This flight got operated with a B789 Dreamliner registered as PH-BHM Backflight KL749 , Cartagena-Amsterdam, landing on runway 18R with lots of rain,was operated with the B789 registered as PH=BHN. Both flights got supported by First Officer Thijs van Goudoever and Second Officer Hendrik van Beuskom.   Youtube Videolink <<<>>> Last Flight of Captain Bas G. @ KLM  Videostills…………………..
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Last Flight of Cabin Attendant Wendy de Boer @ KLM

Wendy’s passsion took over…………….. It was one of the hardest decisions she ever had to take, but after 20 years of being a flight attendant for KLM, Wendy resigned her fantastic job. It turned out to be impossible to combine her great passion for photography and film and the precious project “Shoot with a local” with her intensive irregular life as a ‘sky angel’ And so I filmed her very last departure and arrival on Amsterdam Aiport. Wendy’s last flight was to Xiamen and back Amsterdam. Flight KL883-KL884, was operated by captain Huub van Loon, First Officer Lex van Uitert […]
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Last Flight of Captain Ronald van Eijk @ KLM

Captain Ronald made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Ending his enormous flightcareer with a retourflight to Boston. Together with Senior Purser Lieke de Ruijter and First Officer Bert Franke ,and ofcourse the other crewmembers, they did fly back home to Amsterdam Airport. Flight KL618-Heavy landing on runway 36 Center , Zwanenburgbaan , with a smooth wingroll on final and final stand on VOP Fox 3. This flight is operated with the A330-300 registrated as PH-AKF . Watch the video by clicking on next Youtubelink <<<>>>Last Flight of Captain Ronald van Eijk   Videostills…………
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Last Flight of Captain B747 Bert Busscher @ KLM

Captain Bert made his last flight,together with his wife Else, due to retirement at KLM. After 36 years of duty and almost 19,000 flight hours he landed for the very last time on runway 06. Flight KL888 with the famous callsign ‘KLM ‘Triple Eight’ was operated by the B747-Combi with registration PH-BFS. Bert got assisted in cockpit by First Officer Emiel Hartemink and Second Officer Martijn Braspenning. The cabin was coached by Senior Purser Ruud Schoonheijt and Purser Koos Hilt. A wonderful last landing during the golden hour of sunset on Amsterdam Airport…………. Watch the video by clicking on next […]
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Last flight of Captain Paul Conrad

Captain Paul made his last flight for KLM due to his retirement. Flight KL723 heading to Havana – Cuba,operated with the A330-200 ‘PH-AON’. And flight KL724 back to Amsterdam,operated with the A330-200 ‘PH-AOM’ Both flights on runway 36L/18R ‘Polderbaan’ and supported by First Officer Koos Esser and Second Officer Stijn Post Youtube Videolink <<<<<>>>>>Last flight of Captain Paul Conrad @ KLM Videostills………..
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Final Flight with KLM @ Captain B747 E.K.

Captain E.K. made his final flight with KLM,due to his retirement. Accompanied by his wife and children. Flight KL643,heading to JFK and back to Amsterdam with flight KL644, supported by first officer Stefan Kok Both on runway 36L/18R. The Polderbaan. Departure was operated with the PH-BFS and his final arrival, with a marvellous shot, operated with the PH-BFW. Once he was back on the BMC ,KLM crew center, he got another watersalute of the Schiphol Fire Department. And so he left with a wet suit and a huge smile……………… Watch the video by click on next Youtube Videolink <<<>>>Final Flight […]
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Last Flight of Captain Ronald van Essen @ KLM

Captain Ronald made his last flight due to retirement at KLM Flight KL421-KL422 , AMS-DMM-MCT-AMS ( Damman-Muscat ) operated with the Airbus A330-200 PH-AOE and PH-AON. Both flights supported by First Officer Arno Janssen and Second Officer Luuk Verdonk. KL421 departed on runway 36C Zwanenburgbaan and KL422 landed on runway 18R Polderbaan. Final stand was Echo75 , on the Echo buffer.   Watch the video by click on next videolink>>>>> Last Flight of Captain Ronald van Essen  Videostills………………
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Last flight of first officer Albert de Nijs @ KLM – B747

First Officer Albert made his last flight with KLM, due to his retirement. Flight KL714 , Paramaribo – Amsterdam, together with Captain Eric Akker. His last landing was on runway 06,Kaagbaan, and operated with the PH-BFY.   Youtube Videolink >>>>> Last Flight of First Officer Albert de Nijs @ KLM   Videostills……………..
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Last Flight of Captain Rick Dreshler @ KLM

Captain Rick made his last flight,due to retirement at KLM. Flight KL501-502,heading to Mauritius ,was his final destination and back to Amsterdam. Flight KL501, runway 24 departure,got operated with the B789 ‘Dreamnliner’ with reg PH-BHF. Flight KL502 was first planned with a runway 18C landing. But due to problems at the Zwanenburgbaan they asked for a divertion to runway 22 ‘Oostbaan’. This flight Rick got supported by first officer Remy Maduro, second officer Tim de Bruin and Senior Purser Pieter Oostrom. Youtube Videolink >>>>>
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Last commercial flight of PH-BFB ‘City of Bangkok’ – KLM B747-400

The PH-BFB ,a Boeing 747-400 of KLM , made her very last commercial flight due to phasing out. This 747 was the oldest one in world in active service at the moment. The PH-BFB got delivered to KLM in 1989 and did fly 134.000 hrs,carried millions of passengers. And that means this Queen of the Sky made about 36.000 takeoff’s and landings.   Her last flight was to LAX-Los Angeles and back to Amsterdam. KL601-KL602. Sunday the 25th of November she departed at runway 36L for her last takeoff at Amsterdam Airport. Her nose left the runway at 10.35LT. Today,monday […]
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Last flight of Captain Paul ten Hoopen

Captain Paul made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Together with first officer’s  Sjoerd de Winter and Harold Eding and senior purser Monique van Rooij. Flight KL103-104 ( KL597-598 ) heading for Capetown and back to Amsterdam. The departure and landing delivered awesome footages for a last flight. Departure at runway 18L with lots of spray caused by jetblast and wingcondensation when rotating. The last landing was an auto-land caused by the weatherconditions. Because of the huge fog the plane appeared at the last part of landing. Captain Paul was also the captain at the KL743 to Lima […]
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Last Flight of Captain Jos Gielen @ KLM

Captain Jos made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Flight KL757-758 heading for Panama and back to Amsterdam. Together with his wife Sr Purser Yvonne Hollander and Sr Purser Renée Kwak. And First Officers Peter Berger and Oscar Nijhof supporting at the cockpit. This flight got operated by the B777-300 with reg PH-BVP and B777-200 with reg PH-BQO. Runway 36L for departure and runway 36R for landing. The airtraffic control is added with nice conversations to listen. Ofcourse several ‘Bokito Calls’ went through the air. After the last landing Jos finally knew who Bokito was…………..   Watch the […]
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