Last Flight of Captain Han Rupert @ KLM

Last Flight of Captain Han Rupert @ KLM Captain Han Rupert got his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Final destination was JFK – New York City. Due to circumstances crew control decided to send him up with a Triple Seven. They call it ‘ sending up as dead heading crew’. So Captain Han Rupert and his ‘Wingman” First Officicer Bas van Wetten went as ‘non flying crew’ to JFK. Captain Aloys Bodewes and First Officer René Tjabringa did operate this flight with the B777-200 reg PHBQB and made it a special flight for them and also Han’s wife […]
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Last Flight of Captain Arnold Crone @ KLM Final

Captain Arnold Crone made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Together with First Officer Rogier vd Vijver as his ‘Wingman’ heading for Toronto and back Amsterdam. Flight KL695 on stand G4 and operated with the B787-10 Dreamliner reg PHBKI. I (Bokito) was operating his final push&pull at homebase Amsterdam Airport) Push & Pull abeam G6 and enginestart approved. Backflight KL696, callsign KLM122-Heavy, got a RWY06 arrival ,operated wth the B777-200 reg PHBQI. Final stand for docking and shut down the engines for the last time in career was G6.   Videostills and pictures…………  
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Last flight & Pushback of Captain Brent @ Delta Airlines

Captain Brent Halweg got his retirementflight after a huge career at Delta Airlines. Brent’s last flight was a retourflight to Schiphol Amsterdam Airport. On the 1rst of May flight DL160 , Minneapolis-Amsterdam , arrived in the morning with a landing on runway 18R , Polderbaan. Touchdown at 8:07AM and taxying to the gate via W13 and cross the Center. Just in front of Brent I was towing a KLM B777-300 and sam him in my mirrors coming behind. DL160 was operated with a A330-300 reg N820NW   On tuesday the 2nd of May Brent got his retirementflight to MSP and […]
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Last Flight of Captain Rob de Boer @ KLM

Captain Rob de Boer made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Together with First Officer Dimitri and Second Officer Justin as ‘Wingmen’ and heading for lovely destination San Francisco. Rob was suprised when I , ‘Bokito’ , entered the stand with pushbacktruck ‘Kilo-Quebec” and should also operate his final pushback at homebase Amsterdam Airport. This was orchestrated by his good friend Captain Hein Kuipers. Hein got his own retirementflight to PBM last February. Flight KL605 , stand Delta 2 , pushback into Alpha 5 abeam C11. This flight got operated with the B787-10 reg PHBKA Backflight KL606 , […]
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Last Flight of Chief Pilot 747 & Cpt TRI TRE Paul van de Ven @ KLM

After an enormous career Chief Pilot 747 & Captain B747 TRI – TRE Paul van de Ven got his last flight due to retirement at KLM. The ‘Majestic B747’ was his beloved aircraft. Together with former 747 pilots Cpt Jan-Joost van Hemel and FO Willem Luijten as his ‘Wingmen’, and KLM Pilot in being daughter Lisa heading for final destination Capetown and back Amsterdam. I operated Paul’s final pushback at homebas Amsterdam Airport on special request. Stand Echo 19 , standard pusback with tail to the tower and giving a ‘Wing Wave’ as all-clear signal as respect to my special […]
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Last Flight of Pilot FO Bart Woortman @ KLM

First Officer Bart Woortman got his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Started his Flight Career as F16 Fighter pilot from 1987 till 1997. Thereafter ,Bart became commercial pilot at KLM in November 1997. After a huge career at KLM, 25 years and 6 months he operated his retirementflight to Bogota-Cartagena. Assisted by his daughter (Second Officer) Lisa as his ‘Wingwoman’ and by Captain Paul van de Ven as his ‘Wingmen’. Son Lars ,aspiring KLM pilot in training was on this flight as well. As tugdriver at KLM Aircraft Towing Department daughter Lisa got me to operate his last […]
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Last Flight of Captain Marc Janssen @ KLM

Captain Marc Janssen made his last flight, after 37 years, due to retirement at KLM. Assisted by ‘Wingman’ FO Wiggert de Vries and ‘Wingwoman’ SO Lisa Woortman. With the third try he finally departed and heading for Bangkok. First his Sundayflight should get a change of aircraft with the PHBVB. Unfortunately this flight with stand F6 got cancelled with a 22hr delay. The 2nd try would be at monday at stand Echo17 and again with the PHBVB. Due to technical issues they would’nt depart with this aircraft. My colleagues of KLM Aircraft Towing Department towed an other B777-300ER, reg PHBVG, […]
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Last Flight of Captain Peter Makkinje @ KLM

Captain Peter made his last flight due to retirement at KLM after a tremendous career of 36,5 years. Together with FO Hans Aalberts and SO Lorenzo Tat as his ‘Wingmen’ heading for Curacao as last destination. Operating his pushback at stand F3 for flight KL735 with callsign KLM-171. This flight got operated with the B777-300ER reg PHBVD. Backflight KL736 with a special RWY18Center landing , vortexes and operated with the B777-300ER reg PHBVG KLM /// 36 jaar 3 maanden Captain B777 / B787 /// Captain B787 jan. 2017 – heden · 6 jr jan. 2017 – heden · Captain B777 […]
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Last Flight of Captain Hans Stronkhorst @ KLM

Captain Hans Stronkhorst got his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Salt Lake City was his final destination and back Amsterdam. Operating his final pushback from stand F7 with pushbacktruck KG. Flight KL609 got operated with a B789 Dreamliner reg PHBHL. Hans got his last arrival at runway 27 and did shut down the engines at stand F9 with B789 Dreamliner reg PHBHC Captain Hans got assisted by First Officer Bas Nederlof and Second Officer Bram van Spronsen as his ‘Wingmen’   Videostills…..
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Last Flight of Captain Arno ‘Slick’ Besselaar @ KLM

Captain Arno ‘Slick’ Besselaar made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Together with his ‘Wingwoman’ Lisa Woortman and her father Bart Woortman as ‘Wingmen’ on their way to Bogota-Cartagena. I (Bokito) operated his final pushback at gate Echo 19. In front of this pushback I got a pushback from stand F3 ,left on taxiway Alpha. Because of time limit I asked permission to apprach KL741 via taxiway alpha and Alpha 14. This was a real surprise for Arno. Captain Bart Woortman was his mate at Royal Airforce Netherlands. KL741 got operated with the B789 Dreamliner reg PHBHG. Backflight […]
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