Last Flight of Captain Frans Huisman @ KLM

Captain Frans Huisman made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. A retourflight to Capetown with first officer Robin Arenda and second officer Jacir Soares de Brito as his ‘Wingmen’. Flight KL597 ,with callsign KLM119, on stand Echo 17 and a 18L departure. This flight got operated with a B777-300ER reg PHBVR. Backflight KL598, callsign KLM104, got a landing on runway 18C with a low cloudbase. Final stand was F9 and this flight was also operated with a B777-300ER and reg PHBVC     Videostills………………
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Last Flight of Captain Jack van Schelt @ KLM

After a huge career of 38 years and 9 months, en in totaal 22.400 hours of flying, Captain Jack van Schelt made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. A retourflight with destination Capetown and back homebase Amsterdam. Captain Jack got assisted by FO Chris Hoveijn and SO Mike Lub as his ‘Wingmen’. During my profcheck I was abel to operate and film his last pushback on AMS at stand E24. A pushback only abeam E22. ( together with examiner ATD Mel Schregel and ATD Hans Musschert) Flight KL597, callsign KLM119, got a RWY18L departure and was operated with […]
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Last Flight of Captain Onno Pohlman @ KLM

Captain Onno Pohlman made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Final retourflight heading to Capetown and back homebase Amsterdam Airport. On this flight Onno go assisted by first officer Arjen Schwartz as his ‘Wingman’. Flight KL597, callsign KLM119-Heavy, got pushed by my colleagues of KLM Aircraft Towing Department. ATD Cor van Eck and break-operator Lorenzo Mendez. Push & pull Echo 17 and thereafter taxying for a RWY18L departure. This flight got operated by a B777-300ER reg PHBVC. Backflight KL598, callsign KLM104-Heavy, got a slight crosswindlanding on RWY18R ,after vacating taxying to final stand F7. His last flight got […]
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