Last Flight of Captain Ray Brandt @ KLM

Captain Ray made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Capetown was his final destination and retour homebase Amsterdam. Flight KL597, callsign KLM 119, stand F5 and cleared for RWY18L and a KUDA2E departure. Due to the weathercircumstances ( drizzling rain and strong wind ) I was continously cleaning my cameralens. And these conditions resulted the aircraft was not visible anymore when rotating. KL597 was operated with the B777-300ER reg PHBVI Backflight KL598,callsign KL104 and the final callsign ‘Team Ray’ got a landing at RWY18C on request. This flight got operated with another B777-300ER reg PHBVC. After vacating RWY18C […]
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Last Flight of Captain Maurice Mulder @ KLM

Captain Maurice Mulder made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Together with his ‘Wingmen’ First Officers Michiel Stamer & Paul and Second Officer (XCM) Sjan Liem heading for Capetown and back Amsterdam. Flight KL597, callsign KLM119 , stand F4 , runway change 18L to RWY 24, PHBVK. KL598, callsign KL104 and KLM-Mulder, RWY 18R , stand F7 and operated with the B777-300ER reg PHBVS     Videostills……….  
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Last Flight of Captain Ruud van Mil @ KLM

Captain Ruud van Mil made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Togehter with his son Raoul van Mil as Second Officer and First Officer Koen Volkers heading to Capetown. Stand F3 with a pushback abeam Golf-Niner with real bad and wet weatherconditions. Flight KL597 with callsign KL103  opearatin a full wet departure on RWY 18L with lots of spray and wingcondensation. Backflight KL598 got a special callsign when entering the Dutch skies. Callsign ‘Hunter-104’. It became a beautiful crosswindlanding on RWY 18R. The airtrafficcontrolers gave TEN POINTS. Both flights got operated with the B777-300ER reg PH-BVD. The Skyteam […]
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Last Flight of Captain Peter Somsen @ KLM

Captain Peter made his last flight due to retirement at KLM . Flight KL598 with callsign KL104, landing with lots of rain and a slight crosswind on runway 18R. And with a nice ‘Bokito Call’. This flight got assisted by First Officer Marcel Bijmoer,Second Officer Rick Verhoeven and Senior Purser Christine Brusse and CA 2 Carla Roos His wife Ingrid Veldhuizen was on this trip as well and got her husband back from KLM after so many years. Peter’s cockpitcrew was extended with Captain A330 Ton van Venrooy His departure to Capetown last Friday was on runway 18L. While I […]
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Last flight of Captain Marcel Neuteboom @ KLM

Captain Marcel Neuteboom made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Flight KL597-KL598 with the current callsigns KL103-KL104 heading to Capetown and back Amsterdam. Kl103 departed at runway 36C after they got de-iced at the Juliet buffer and operated with the B777-300 registrated as PH-BVP. Marcel’s last flight back to Amsterdam, KL104, was a very nice approach and landing at runway 18R.  Appearing through the clouds with marvellous stripes of vortexes leaving behind, a slight crosswind and finally a smooth landing. First Officer Lars vd Oudera supported this flight at the right seat and Haaye Minnema arranged this filmwork. […]
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