Last Flight of Captain Roy de Gama @ KLM

Captain Roy de Gama made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. A retourflight to Roi de Janeiro and back homebase Amsterdam. On this retriementflight Captain Roy got assisted by first officer Mathé Leyten and second officer Sjan Liem as his ‘Wingmen”. Flight KL705, stand D4,got a departure on RWY24 and operated with the B777-200 reg PHBQO. Backflight KL706,also operated with a B777-200 and reg PHBQA got a very nice approach. Roy was headed “overhead Schiphol Airport” and a landing on RWY27. After vacating via N3 taxying into Alpha17 for final stand F3.     Videostills………
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Last Flight of Captain Tim ten Velde @ KLM

Captain Tim made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. As phenomenal 747 pilot Tim ended his career flying the Triple7. All KLM B747 Combi’s and Full Pax got phased out last year. Final destination Curacao and assisted by gooed friend and Captain Christophe Knaepen as ‘Wingman’ and operating as Co pilot this flight. I operated his last pushback at Schiphol Airport at gate Echo22 with pushbacktruck KI-Kilo India. A huge V8-16L machine. Flight KL735 , callsign KL125 , got a runway 09 departure and operated with the B777-300ER reg PH-BVK. Backflight KL736 got a lovely runway 27 landing, […]
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Runway 27 at Short Final

Approach and landings at runway 27 at a different angle than usual. KLM B747/789/737/Fokker 70. China Southern B777F. Yangtze River B747F and Kenya Airways B787………. Take a look at this . Watch the video by clicking at next link>>>>>Runway 27 at Short Final
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