Last Flight of Captain Hans Dellevoet @ KLM

Captain Hans Dellevoet made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Assisted by first officer Philip Arenda and second officers Laurens Bosje and Rik Sistermans as his ‘Wingmen’ on the KL809. Heading for Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta!!!  Due to a delayed arrival of their aircraft for this flight they did depart on 22:48PM at RWY36L. Special detail Hans wife Nathalie Numans CAII and Philips wife purser Floor Arenda joining as well. On backflight KL810 Captain Hans got assisted by again first officer Philip Arenda and this time by second officers Rik Sistermans and Sjan Liem. Final landing on RWY06 […]
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Last Flight of Captain Toon Prins @ KLM

Captain Toon Prins made his final flight due to retirement at KLM. With First Officer Dennis Roël and Second Officer Fabian Badloeas his ‘Wingmen’ heading for Curacao and back Amsterdam. Flight KL735, callsign KLM171, got a pushback on stand F5 and taxied out via taxiway Quebec for a RWY36L departure. Groundcontrol offered the possibility for a kind of farewell tour along the airport. Backflight KL736, callsign KLM172, with a nice approach along the coastline and thereafter turning in to intercept the localizer for runway 36L. After his last and very smooth landing vacating the runway and taxying to final stand […]
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Last Flight of Captain Jack van Schelt @ KLM

After a huge career of 38 years and 9 months, en in totaal 22.400 hours of flying, Captain Jack van Schelt made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. A retourflight with destination Capetown and back homebase Amsterdam. Captain Jack got assisted by FO Chris Hoveijn and SO Mike Lub as his ‘Wingmen’. During my profcheck I was abel to operate and film his last pushback on AMS at stand E24. A pushback only abeam E22. ( together with examiner ATD Mel Schregel and ATD Hans Musschert) Flight KL597, callsign KLM119, got a RWY18L departure and was operated with […]
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Last Flight of Captain G J Molenaar @ KLM

Captain Gert Jan Molenaar made his last flight due to retirement at KLM after a career of 32 years and one month. KLM August 1992 – August 2024. His last flight was a special one via St Maarten to Port of Spain – Trinidad. Captain Gert Jan got assisted by first officer Bart Vermeulen and second officer Wouter Roelofs as his ‘Wingmen’. Flight KL787 ,stand Echo 9 , got a RWY 36L departure and was operated with the A330-200 reg PHAOE. Retourflight KL787 , started at Port of Spain heading for homebase Amsterdam Airport. First they got RWY06 on their […]
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Last Flight of Captain Ronald Tjassens @ KLM

Captain Ronald Tjassens made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. On his retirementflight Ronald got assisted by First Officer Erik Rubing and Second Officer Erik de Groot. Good friend Captain Harold van Drumpt went to Bonaire the day before. So he was able to catch Ronald and join the stay together. Flight KL767 , AMS-AUA-BON, on stand G7, got a RWY24 departure and was operated by the A330-200 reg PHAOA. Backflight KL767 BON-AMS, got a very nice approach and a ‘greaser’ with his final landing on RWY18R. His retirementflight got also operated with a A330-200 and reg PHAOD. […]
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Last Flight of Captain Ben Suurland @ KLM

After a career of 37 years and 8 months Captain Ben Suurland made his final flight due to retirement at KLM. Final retourflight to Rio de Janeiro and back Amsterdam. Captain Ben got assisted by First Officer Rickert-Jan Hagen and Second Officer Dennis van Trier as his ‘Wingmen”. Flight KL705 , stand D47, with a RWY36L departure and operated with a B777-200 reg PHBQL. Backflight KL706 got the same runway for landing, RWY18R , and operated with the B777-200 reg PHBQO. Captain Ben started flying in Oktober 1986 with the following careersteps; – 1986 till 1988 2nd officer B747, -1988 […]
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Last Flight of Captain Jorgen Bierhorst @ KLM

Captain Jorgen Bierhorst made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Final destination Curacao and back homebase Amsterdam. On his retirementfight Jorgen got assisted by First Officer Marcel Kammelar as his ‘Wingman’ and Second Officer Margret Nuijten-Vonk as his ‘Wingwoman’. Flight KL735 , callsign KLM171, first got planned for a RWY24 departure. But 10 minutes in front of TSAT time they got recleared for RWY18L. So I had to run with my equipment and racing to the other runway. And than it started raining quite heavy…………… Lots of spray, wiping my cameralens many times and then they gave full […]
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Last Flight of Captain Thijs Jongsma @ KLM

After a career of 31 years and 10 months Captain Thijs Jongsma got his last flight due to retirement at KLM. JFK was his first and his last destination !!! How wonderful. Flight KL641 , stand F7, got a RWY24 departure and was operated with the B787-10 Dreamliner reg PHBKC. First Officer Vincent Aupers was his ‘Wingman’ and big friend Captain Dimitri van der Vieren in behind and joining this flight as well. Captain Thijs was his first instructor and good friend. Backflight KL642 with an quite early arrival with Thijs’ final touchdown at 6:08LT on RWY18R and taxying to […]
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Last Flight of Captain Philip Almgren @ KLM

Captain Philip Almgren got his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Flight KL635 heading for Las Vegas with the B789 Dreamliner reg PHBHP. Tugdriver Bokito operated/filmed the push & pull on Echo24 abeam Echo77 Backflight KL636 , operated with a B789 Dreamliner reg PHBHC , got a final landing on RWY 18R and taxying to stand Delta 57 Captain Philip got assisted by First Officer Vincent and Second Officer Jasper Vreenegoor as his ‘Wingmen’   Videostills……..
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Last Flight of Captain B737 Noud Rutte @ KLM

Captain B737 Noud Rutte got his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Noud experienced an enormous career of 37 years and one month. Started in December 1986 as Flight engineer B747/200-300 and as Captain Noud did fly all types of the B737. His retirementflight should have been a retourflight to Israël – Tel Aviv but changed to Lissabon due to the current war between Israël and Hamas. Nouds wife Helena is Portugese from origin. Flight KL1695 planned for RWY36C. I was positioned with a great look at the runway next to taxiway Yankee 2. Unfortunately Noud got recleared to […]
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Last Flight of Captain Andy Zurhaar @ KLM

After a huge career of about 32 years Captain Andy Zurhaar made his retirementflight at KLM. Together with First Officer Onno Veltkamp as his ‘Wingman’ he departed for Johannesburg as final destination/retourflight. During 747 timeperiode it was called a ‘Joburgje’ when they did fly to JNB. Flight KL591,stand F7 , departed during heavy fog. When filming I only could hear them passing in takeoff and not see at all. This flight was operated with our ‘Orange Pride’ , a B777-300ER reg PHBVA. Backflight KL592 became a visible landing , happily. With wet circumstances Andy got a smooth landing on RWY18R […]
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Last Flight of Captain B747F Bart Rademakers @ Martinair Cargo

Captain Bart Rademakers made his last flight, due to retirement at Martinair Cargo, after 33 years and 10 months. Actually he was pilot since 1986. A huge career. Awesome detail are the departing and landing KLC Embraer in the video. Bart’s son , Milan , is a KLC Embraer pilot and was also capturing his fathers last flight. Flight MP6141 heading for Miami via Bogota. RWY36L for departure and got operated with the B747F reg PHMPS. Backflight MP6912 , MIA-AMS, with final landing on RWY06 and operated with the B747F reg PHCKB.   Videostills……………
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Last Flight of Captain Bas Seijffert @ KLM

After 27 years and 6 months Captain Bas Seijffert got his last flight due to retirement at KLM. His final destination was Capetown and back Amsterdam assisted by First Officer Niek Dillen as his ‘Wingman’. Flight KL597, AMS-CPT, with callsign KLM119 , stand F9 and departure on RWY36C. This flight got operated with a B777-300ER reg PHBVI. Backflight KL598, Capetown-Amsterdam, with callsign KLM104 got a nice landing on RWY18R and taxying for final stand Echo 17. Bas operated his last landing with another B777-300ER reg PHBVB    
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Captain Herman Hello says Goodbye @ KLM

Captain Herman got his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Heading for Curacao and back Amsterdam with First Officer Willem Luijten and Captain Arnoud Welhüner as his Wingmen. Flight KL735, callsign KLM171 , stand Echo 22, got a RWY 24 departure and operated with the B777-300ER reg PHBVC. Backflight KL736, CUR-AMS, with Herman’s last landing on RWY18R and taxying for final stand F9.     Videostills………..
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Last KLM FLight to MAF Bushpilot @ Cpt Joost de Wit

Captain B737 at KLM, Missionairy bush-pilot in training for Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) Kenya , Captain Joost made his last flight after 22 years of being commercial pilot for KLM. Flight KL1279 heading for Edinburgh and back Amsterdam. Flight KL1279,stand D14, and a Siera5 RWY 24 departure. Backflight KL1280 got a landing on RWY 18R. Due to my duty at KLM Aircraft Towing Department we decided to film the arrival/docking at final stand D44. This final flight got operated with a B737-700 reg PHBGI   Joost de Wit and Ruth de Wit – van der Ploeg are both airline pilots […]
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Last KLM Flight to MAF Bushpilot @ FO Ruth de Wit-van der Ploeg

Last KLM Flight to MAF Bushpilot @ FO Ruth De Wit-van Der Ploeg First Officer Ruth de Wit-vd Ploeg got her last KLM flight due to a very special reason, guided by our Almighty God of Israël. After 15 years working for KLM, Ruth and her husband Joost quit their jobs as airline pilots for KLM. Within a few months they will become bush pilots for Mission Aviation Fellowship in Kenya. Instead of flying Boeings, they will be flying Cessna Caravans to remote places to bring help and hope to people in need. Their Youtubechannel; If you would like […]
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Last Flight of Captain B747F Peter Horstink @ Martinair Cargo

Captain Peter Horstink made his last flight due to retirement at Martinair Cargo. Retiring at his beloved 747 Freighter. Flight MP7121 , assisted by First Officer Robert Posman , and heading for the routine Amsterdam-Campinas-Quito-Miami-Amsterdam. This routine got operated with the B747-400ERF reg PHCKA. Runway 24 for departure. Nice detail his son started flight KL1539 a couple of minutes later. Last flight MP7122, MIA-AMS, arrived a day later than sheduled. Final landing on RWY18R after a huge career.     Videostills……………
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Last Flight of Captain Richard de Waard @ KLM

Captain Richard de Waard made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Richard got assisted by First Officers Nick Verplak and Brian Vreugdenhil as his ‘Wingmen’. Also surprised by the pushback operated and filmed by Bokito. Flight KL765 , AUA-BON // Aruba-Bonaire, stand Delta 49 and operated with the A330-200 reg PHAOA. The pushback got operated with the largest pushbacktruck AM500 reg KK // Kilo-Kilo. This is a real V8 16L truck. Backflight KL767 BON-AMS, with callsign KLM-DeWaard-767, got a RWY18R arrival and operated with a A330-300 reg PH-AKE. Vacating runway 18R and taxying to final stand Echo 17. […]
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Last Flight of Duco vd Werf @ KLM

KLM Pilot Duco van der Werf got his last flight due to retirement at KLM Together with Captain Joost van Gerwen as his ‘Wingman’ and his wife Senior Purser Andrea Sleutel (non working on this flight) , heading for Boston and back Amsterdam. Flight KL617 ,stand Echo19, got a pushack operated by my colleague KLM ATD Marcel van Tiel. Thereafter taxying to Siera 6 RWY24 and operated with the A330-300 reg PHAKE. Backflight KL618 was operated with the A330-300 reg PHAKD. Turning right to intercept localizer RWY18R and after a ‘Bokito Call’ operating a smooth landing. Final stand was Delta […]
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Last Flight of Captain Kurt Geilert @ KLM

Captain Kurt Geilert made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Together with First Officer Anil de Nie and Second Officer Ramon Dormans as his ‘Wingmen’, heading for Panama City and back Amsterdam. Flight KL757 with a RWY36L departure and operated with the B777-300ER reg PHBVR. Backflight KL758 got a RWY 06 arrival and was operated with the PHBVK. Vacating runway 06 and taxying to final stand Foxtrot 7. Since October 1989 with KLM SF340A/B           // FO and Captain // Route instructor B767-300            // First Officer B747-400        […]
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Last Flight of Captain Steven Raimond @ KLM

Steven Raimond made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. On his final destination Costa Rica Steven got assisted by FO Joost van Hoek as ‘Wingman’ and SO Sophie van Middelaar as ‘Wingwoman’. Flight KL719 SJO/San José-LIR/Liberia with a RWY36L departure and operated with a B789 Dreamliner reg PHBHI. Backflight KL719 LIR-AMS got the same runway for landing , RWY18R , and operated with PHBHM. Filmwork of this flight was arranged as surprise by his friend and just retired Captain Ad Braspenning     Videostills………
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Last Flight of Captain Jeffry Aenmey @ KLM

Captain TRI Jeffry Aenmey made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Heading for his final destination Panama City and back Amsterdam. Captain Jeffry got assisted by First Officers Gert-jan Voren and Dara van Langen as his ‘Wingmen’. KL757 , AMS-PTY , with a RWY36L departure and operated with the B777-300ER reg PHBVG. Backflight KL758 got operated with the first B777-200 of our KLM fleet reg PHBQA. Captain Jeffry got a RWY06 landing and final stand Echo 20. KLM – Nov. 1995 – April 2023 · 27 jr 6 mnd Captain TRI TRE B777-B787 Other typeratings; MD-11, B767, Fokker […]
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Last Flight of Captain A330 Dirk van der Neut @ KLM

Captain Dirk van der Neut got his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Together with First Officer Vincent Hoekveld as ‘Wingman’ heading for Boston and back Amsterdam. Flight KL617 started with a 2 1/2 hour delay. After pushback Echo19 there was a technical issue and was solved by technicians on stand. Finally Dirk gave ful throttle on RWY36L with the A330-300 reg PHAKF. Backflight KL618 with his final landing on RWY06 and operated with the PHAKD. The career of Dirk started at the Royal Airforce from Jan ’87 till Jan ’96 and therafter he became commercial pilot at KLM […]
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Last Flight of Captain Maurice Mulder @ KLM

Captain Maurice Mulder made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Together with his ‘Wingmen’ First Officers Michiel Stamer & Paul and Second Officer (XCM) Sjan Liem heading for Capetown and back Amsterdam. Flight KL597, callsign KLM119 , stand F4 , runway change 18L to RWY 24, PHBVK. KL598, callsign KL104 and KLM-Mulder, RWY 18R , stand F7 and operated with the B777-300ER reg PHBVS     Videostills……….  
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Last Flight of Captain Eric Broekhuizen @ KLM

Captain Eric Broekhuizen made his last flight after 38 years and 4 month, due to retirement at KLM. And especially joined by his daughter Stefanie ( First Officer B737 since September 2008 ) On this retirementflight Eric got assisted First Officer’s Vincent Aupers and Donny Schüller as his ‘Wingmen’ His final destination was Captown and back Amsterdam. Flight KL595 ,stand F6 , RWY 09 , AMS-CPT , PHBQP -B777-200 Flight KL598 – Callsign KLM-Eric , CPT-AMS , PHBVN , B777-300ER and final stand E20 Eric has an enormous state of duty at KLM. A career of 34 years and 4 […]
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