Last Flight of Captain Ben Suurland @ KLM

After a career of 37 years and 8 months Captain Ben Suurland made his final flight due to retirement at KLM. Final retourflight to Rio de Janeiro and back Amsterdam. Captain Ben got assisted by First Officer Rickert-Jan Hagen and Second Officer Dennis van Trier as his ‘Wingmen”. Flight KL705 , stand D47, with a RWY36L departure and operated with a B777-200 reg PHBQL. Backflight KL706 got the same runway for landing, RWY18R , and operated with the B777-200 reg PHBQO. Captain Ben started flying in Oktober 1986 with the following careersteps; – 1986 till 1988 2nd officer B747, -1988 […]
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Last flight of Captain Chris van den Broek @ KLM

Captain Chris van den Broek made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Final destination and retourflight headint to GIG – Sao Paulo and back to homebase Amsterdam. Flight KL792 , with ‘Wingwoman’ as First Officer Inge van Son. His last landing on RWY 18R and  operated with the B777-300ER reg PH-BVI.     Videostills…………      
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Last flight of Captain Arjen Simmelink @ KLM

Captain Arjen made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. His final destination as retourflight heading to GIG – Rio de Janeiro. Arjen’s ‘Wingmen’ are First Officer Yuri Zorge, Second Officer’s Richard Kolk and Merijn Kuijpens. Backflight KL706 , GIG-AMS , with a RWY18R arrival and operated with the B789 Dreamliner reg PH-BHD.     Videostills………..  
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