Last Flight of Captain Thomas Rozeman @ KLM

Captain Thomas made his last flight due to retirement at KLM Flight KL597-598 with callsigns KL103-104 heading to Capetown and back Amsterdam. KL103 was planned for runway 18L. It was stormy and lots of rain during the departure. Due to a delay they got re-cleared for a runway 24 departure.  Captain Robert Busé ,supporting this flight on the right seat, contacted me and so I was just in time for filming this departure. Flight KL103 got operated with the B777-300 with registration PH-BVI.   Flight KL104 crossed the CTR of Schiphol Airport and finally a last turn right and cleared […]
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Last Flight of KLM Captain Jeroen van Breukelen

Captain Jeroen made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. As Captain B747 he was,together with First Officer Martin Sievers,heading for Los Angeles and back Amsterdam. Runway 36L-18R , Polderbaan, for departure ánd landing. Flight KL601-602 AMS-LAX-AMS got operated by the B747’s PH-BFH and PH-BFB. Videolink >>>>>click at next link>>>>> Last Flight of Captain KLM B747 Jeroen van Breukelen
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Last flight of Jan Maasdam @ Captain KLM B777

Jan did have his last flight due to his retirement at KLM. After a long career he choose for Capetown as his final trip. Together with First Officer Hans Plesman and Second Officer André van den Berg they departed at runway 18L ,Aalsmeerbaan, with callsign KL393. Flight KL597 got operated by the PH-BQE. The returnflight KL598,with callsign KL394,got operated by the PH-BQI. Jan’s last landing as Captain B777 was at runway 06,the ‘Kaagbaan’. Watch video by clicking at the next link>>>>>Last flight of Captain Jan Maasdam
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