Last Flight of Captain Ryan Oudshoorn @ KLM

Captain Ryan Oudshoorn made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Final destination was Curacao and back homebase Amsterdam. Joining this flight was Thijs van Tol, son in law, and Thijs’s father Rene van Tol is a retired KLM Captain for 6 years now. What a special moment to have joined your father’s last flight and also the father in law. Captain Ryan got assisted by first officer Tim Jack as his ‘Wingman’ ánd his daughter Rosalie as second officer and his beloved ‘Wingwoman’. By surprise of Thijs , I ,Bokito, came around the corner with my huge pushbacktruck […]
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Last Flight of Captain Wil Jaski @ KLM

After an enormous career of about 40 years Captain Wil got his last flight due to retirement at KLM. His final destination Curacao and back Amsterdam. Flight KL733, with an strong Eastern wind, operated with a B777-200 reg PHBQP and RWY36L for departure. Backflight KL734 with a landing on RWY06 and operated with another B777-200 reg PHBQB On Wil’s last flight he got assisted by First Officer Cees Tanja and Second Officer Sjoerd Bruin as his ‘Wingmen’.     Videostills…….
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Last Flight of Captain Alex den Hartog @ KLM

After 31 years Captain Alex den Hartog got his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Heading for destination Curacao and back Amsterdam with First Officer Rogier van de Vijver and Second Officer Pim de Wolf. Flight KL733, stand D47 and a departure on RWY36L, operated with a B777-200 reg PHBQC Backflight KL734 CUR-AMS got same runway for landing , RWY18R, After vacating taxying for final stand Echo19. His final flight got operated with a B777-300ER reg PHBVF.   Videostills………..
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Last Flight of Captain Ton Leenders @ KLM

Captain Ton made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. Flight KL735 (callsign KLM125-Heavy) heading for Curacao. Together with FO Andrew and SO Mark as his ‘Wingmen’. KL125 got a RWY24 departure and operated with a B777-300ER reg PH-BVV. Backflight KL734 got a RWY27 arrival,with a B777-200 reg PH-BQH, and docked at gate Echo22.     Videostills…………  
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Last Flight of Captain Maarten Verbeek @ KLM

Captain Maarten made his last flight due to retirement at KLM. After a career of about 33 years CUR was his final destination and retourflight to Amsterdam. This special flight was operated with First Officer Jorrit van Waalwijk van Doorn and Second Officer Mark Hollink as his ‘Wingmen’. KL733 heading to CUR with B777-200 reg PH-BQB and runway 36L for departure. Backflight KL734 got operated with the B777-200 reg PH-BQF and landing at runway 18R with position Echo24     Videostills…………
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